Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Guide : How do you calculate your stats ?

Ever wonder how you calculate your stats?


Physical Attack = [(Total STR points x Weapon Physical Reinforce) + Physical Attack] x 1.N (where N = Weapon Mastery Level, as for Lv 100, it will be x 2.00)

Magic Attack = [(Total INT points x Weapon Magic Reinforce) + Magic Attack]

Defence (No Buff Except Passive)

Physical Defence = (Total STR points x Total Physical Reinforce) + Total Physical Defence + Cold Passive (if any)

Magic Defence = (Total INT points x Total Magic Reinforce) + Total Magic Defence

Total Reinforce/Defence = Sum of all 6 gears & shield if there is any !

I'll show you an example for it. Look at above stats...

Physical Attack = [(495 x 250.6%) + 2068] x 2.00 = 6616.94 (lowest)
Physical Attack = [(495 x 307.1%) + 2448] x 2.00 = 7936.29 (highest)

It would be little different, because in the actual Physical attack power from 2068 ~ 2448, the value are wary. It's based on percentage. In actual fact it might be 2067.78 ~ 2448.65 (just assumption) so calculation will be differ if you are taking the actual what you see on your weapon / defense.


mister_devil said...

This is a nice way to claculate..
But..i prefer to go PvP and see my real power ^o).. i hate all maths.. >.<

Chyl said...

Just random calculation ! PvP is a good way to determine your strength...