Just went across Rev6 forum today ! Omg, found this ! ^^
It definitely will help a lot of user on the login problem they had. The explanation brief quite detail. Copying the guide from the forum to post it here. Just in case the forum is down or something still someone can read it.
Original and credit will go only to HOMEZ & RUMATA :
You can do this legitly, no need to cheat.
This is for legit player to login faster.
It is based on multiple test compiled in the last 24 hours.
This entire tutorial might not be working,
it is for you to decide if it work or not.
There is 4 login server
Reason behind why this method work:
When you are on Silkroad online and you type your account name and password, sro_client.exe connect to 1 of those 4 servers randomely.
The server .26 and .27 are the oldest login server.
The server .28 and .29 are the newer login server added recently.
The new login system is in fact a QUEUE LIST SYSTEM!
You will claim it is not, I am not here to argue, both rev6 and other programmer has confirmed that even though it send a connect to server packet each 20 seconds, it is still a queue list system.
The issue is that all the gold bot and clientless bot only use the server .26 and .27 and haven't been updated to use the newer server .28 and .29
In fact most of the clientless only connect to the server .26
Each server has their own queue list system:
.26 --> queue list 1 (extremely long) [gold bot clientless]
.27 --> queue list 2 (really long) [some clientless and old bot]
.28 --> queue list 3 (really short) [legit user + few bot]
.29 --> queue list 4 (really short) [legit user + few bot]
Now test it for yourself, when you connect to silkroad, you can follow the tutorial and figure out on which of the 4 login server you are connected to.
If you are connected to the server .26 it will take up sometime even more than 12 hours to connect. The server .27 is the same but a bit least depending on which server it is.
Which is why you never want to be in a queue list with gold bot or to be more precise .26 and .27
This should work for a while, no idea if gold bot will update their client and make the login awfull on each server.
If you are connected to the server .28 or .29, you will in general login within 30 minutes. In other word, when you open silkroad and before you type your password do the following:
Here is the details step how to do it?
Step 1
click on Start / Program / Accessories / Command prompt
Click on start / run / Type cmd
Step 2 You have a Black command prompt open [opened from Step #1]
Step 3 Silkroad is open at the login server
Type in the black console: netstat -n
Type enter after and some big listing will appear of all your connection
Search for either of those server in the 3rd column [Foreign Address]
If you are on the server 26 or 27, close silkroad and reopen to the login server.
If you are on the server 28 or 29, type in your account name and password.
Click connect and wait.
There is also other way like modifying your hosts files to only connect to the server .29
By adding those line: gwgt1.joymax.com gwgt2.joymax.com gwgt3.joymax.com
To the file 'C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts'
Which isn't recommanded if you do not know what your doing.
Please note if you can't save the file, it because hosts is in read only mode, find the file, go in properties and remove the read only checkmark
Please note if the login server .29 crash, your silkroad will never try to connect to any of the other 3 login server, so if that happen, you need to erase those 3 line to open silkroad and be able to login to a server other than the server .29 (the server .28 crashed a few times this week)
Credit / Resources : Rev6's Forum
tbh so many ppl knows about this that it's not even going to work anymore...everybody will try to logon those 2 servers and it will be no diff than the 26 and 27 servers still think it should've stayed hidden lol
lol - my client tryed to log in server 0.30 (i have a screenshot) :P
how do i get it to work with vista?
its always .30 for me .....
30 seems to be the fastest to log in now ....
question ....are there more ? :D i thik i saw 31 one time
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