Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Blog Update : Completed (Need Comment)

Well, the title tell everything.

Blog Updated With :

1. Translation tools
2. Rearrange & Reorganise (Since the last one look pretty messy)
3. Remove ads (Due to no one clicking it, sigh)
4. Remove many of the not usable stuff
5. Implement Search Google Toolbox (Use that search if you wanna look for specific Post)
6. Coloring brightened though
7. Putted the Blade Icon on the title (Thanks to BluTearhz & iFly & __Angelus__ for the blade)
8. Added the link for the blogging tweaking & hacking stuff for people to build their own blog easier
9. Donate button fixed, but still lolx, no one donate sigh... xD

10. Added the auto emailing stuff whenever there is an update on the blog (Feed Burner)

So that's about it. Nothing much more though.

I'm too poor to buy more stuff for the blog sorry. And bout event thing... I'm still considering of the PvP, because really lack of response and not many supporter though. I'll come back to you when I made the decision.

Anyway, comment pls?


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