Saturday, October 10, 2009

_Yvonne_ a.k.a Cheryl won SRO Honors Event

LOLx, unbelievable win ! Oh well, thank you Joymax ! ^^

This is what my forum character posting - _Yvonne_



mister_devil said...

1st: Gz cheryl for winning
2nd: 85% of the words u wrote in the topic was right , but 15% is sro is not like b4 .. now everybody got gold (cuz of gold n pwlvl etc.. sites ) alot of players comes up knowen nth abut sro ,they claim that they r the masters , i think if joymax thought for real to provide a real game , not a money game , sro will be like b4 as it was fun all what we do is botten till get 100 , so to 100FF ,so to get more sp to be rdy for lvl 105 , when that done , i just wanna ask , where is the fun ? , thanks

Chyl said...

I dont have any comment for that though. ^^

Anyway, SRO will dead soon if they don't come up with something...