Wednesday, August 19, 2009

KSRO : Latest Avatar ! Absolutely COOL !

I spread the world, the Silk Road Online.

Unfailing special darkness "armor of the soul" is the avatar items will be the service.

Knights of the darkness of the soul had such a dramatic erosion of avatar clothing, items and characters, the face of mounting special
Is being transformed.

내가 뒤흔드는 세상, 실크로드 온라인 입니다.

특별한 어둠을 간직한 "영혼의 갑주" 아바타 아이템이 서비스 될 예정입니다.

어둠에 잠식당해버린 기사단의 영혼을 간직한 아바타 의상으로서, 아이템 장착 시 캐릭터의 외형이 특별하게
변모 됩니다.

# Avatar costumes and fittings of the M / ed gender exists after you purchase, please check.
# 3 kinds of items (hats, clothes, and fixtures) is composed of.
# Avatar, depending on additional items and the number of possible differences in the type of magic options are.
# Fixtures (ornament) must be wearing the costume can be mounted only in the state.
# Avatar costume is a limited sale items.

For new items for your avatar will be a lot of interest and encouragement.

Thank you.

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