Saturday, August 8, 2009

Guide : PvP ?

PvP - Player vs Player

In cape? Triangular conflict? Fortress war? Guild war? Event? Well, whatever you can think of. Basically pvp need some strategy to play with. It's all dependent on how u see and react accordingly to win over a match against your opponent.

Basically there aren't any guide to it. Well, this is just my personal view toward PvP. Opponent might come in any form. Any mastery. Despite of that, you have to understand what you lack of, in other word, your weaknesses before you can learn what effective way to win the match. Understand the game play, each class got it's own weaknesses, and there is no absolute perfect character.

Look below:-

a. Determine what armor type opponent wearing (Protector, Robe, Heavy Armor & etc).
b. Determine what mastery opponent is, by looking the buff (Full Farm? Or?).
c. Determine damage you receiving.
d. Determine common usual attack opponent using.
e. Determine attack damage you can obtain.
f. Determine pot ratio (Especially Vigor).

I make it a very simple explanation.

CheryI vs DrMACRO

I know that he is wearing Heavy Armor, Warrior sub Cleric class. Despite of that, he understand his character very well. He understand the game play and when is the critical move he need to use to prevent him from getting high damage.

Pvp Start....
DrMACRO buff Bless (Lasted him 1 minute immortality), CheryI buff w Firewall. DrMACRO will Sprint Attack where it will disable firewall. In return CheryI knock back using Arrow Combo, well, if successful, DrMACRO bounce back, if fail, DrMACRO has his chance on casting the Knock Down, come with when KD hitting, when I stand up, he will attack with Sprint & Shout. Basically all these move is deadly, unless my KB is successful, I'll bypass this and safe.

Let say...
DrMACRO finish 1 minute Bless and still can't kill me, he will cast Skin which allow him to have 45sec immortality to continue. And while waiting refresh of the Bless skill (2minute), basically CheryI have only 15 second to kill him. Despite this 15 sec, CheryI cast Strong Bow Spirit Will, well, of course DrMACRO will either Sprint / Change shield BASH to prevent me from casting it. It's just rotating. KB arrow combo is my defensive skill, Sprint/Shield Bash is their defensive skill.

As you can see...
Opponent like DrMACRO with such buff give him immortality over STR character especially Glavier & Bow. So either way, he gain opportunity in vs CheryI and worst was, CheryI wearing garment unless, opponent he met wearing Armor, that will definitely give him hard time.

If you can understand the above, you will be able to identify whose your weakness, whose is easy for you.

Calculating Pot Ratio is Very Important in PvP:-
Usually people will set around 85%+ in both MP & HP. Despite of that, Vigor is either auto at around 60% / manual when they feel like it (where usually people will press it during 60%). Simple step to understand this part.

2 way to waste of the vigor time (refresh 5 sec).

1stly most common, people will just cast the strongest skill on his/her first move. Which usually against few level lower, definately will use up 1 vigor (if auto). In exchange opponent will regain full HP losing out usage of vigor for 5 second. Within time, when you hit the next it, usually HP remain 50%, and normal potting cast only which generate them few k of HP. So, despite of that, the next critical strike eventually will kill him/her. Even not, the vigor will go 2nd time already, and HP will not be full, probably 75% at this moment. Continuous... boooo... dead...

2nd there are type who set vigor as low as 40%, these people are much dangerous especially they are STR. They tend to live longer vs another STR using this method. Simple concept, like above you hit like a dog, you still haven't reach the Pot for Vigor. So they get extra time to kill you instead.

Well, is not much differ, just pot 15 second. Simple mind would understand the calculation. Bewarn those who using 25% Hp grain. These are dangerous. If I'm not mistaken, 25% HP grain ensure them 5 second instead of 15 second.

Reaction must be fast of course. Chances don't always come. ^^

Just some random guide !


mister_devil said...

W0W, That's Pefect !, i understand my char mister_devil as well.. i know alot about s/s nukers,, expeirnce from 3 years playing sro as s/s nuker, i can't play on another build ^^, but in pvp it's something diffrent.. i never like'd to use vigors, but still ur Pvp guide is perfect ^^,Thanks -.<

Anonymous said...

pussy licker

Chyl said...

xD u are jealous anonymous