Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Not Much News Today !

Not much news today though. Check several sites still nothing good. Guess nothing really happening. Oh well, tomorrow is FW day ! Everyone is busy preparing to be spank and spanking ! ^^ Bout the current FW, not really sure who vs who, but as far as I know...

HellRaiser Union
- Jangan Fortress

YouPorn Union
- Bandit Fortress

Good luck to both of them for obtaining the Fortress !

Oh, regarding the movement to WordPress, is strictly still under consideration. I don't really understand how it works, well still working it out anyway. Moving will be done, once I figure out the whole bone structure and implementation.

By the way, I created my own guild call
Valkyries. Well is an old guild, just I left it for gold bot to stay inside for GP farming. Valkyries now recruiting members, whoever who wanna join along the fun, come along ! Looking for 80+ Lv above, you can leave in game PM message to my message box. I'll contact you. Don't forget the 3 day penalty for leaving guild. Valkyries had join YouPorn union too.

And one more important thing, the Guild Logo of Valkyries is NOT a DUCK ! T.T
It's Valkyrie Profile Logo and not a DUCK ! T.T

P/S : Need more Contributor for the sites to keep moving. Found something special, funny, sro or non sro related which to share? Email to

Regards, Cheryl

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

quack quack