Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Bugs : Stealth / Invisible (Disadvantages)

Not new not old bug. Guess many people already know it. For those who still don't know perhaps here is a little information.

Basically everyone who use PK2 edit will allow you to see invisible character, which you need to alter the PK2 file in order to do this. But this new bug doesn't really need to use that though.

Step 1 : Click on the Player (The person who is gonna be invisible/stealth)
Step 2 : There will open a box showing the person's name, buff and etc.
Step 3 : Close the box (click on the X button)
Step 4 : When the person goes invisible/stealth mode, you can just cast any skill, it will automatically attack the person who is invisible/stealth mode, without knowing where is him/her, you still get to hit it.

**Do not click anything after you close the box, or you won't get to hit the invisible/stealth character.

Good to use for the people who get annoy by stealth/invisible !

Sorry for those who has the ability !

Resources : Rev6 / JDI


Chyl said...


Anonymous said...

Its not old at all, its been there since the euro update.